I just found some pictures of this battle from over 12 years ago. I remember this to be a very chaotic but funny game. The scenario had one Dwarf (one of those who can change into Beastform) deploy in the middle. This Dwarf needed to get to the Dwarven gate to deliver some highly important message or whatever. The other forces tried to stop him and capture the message themselves.
Below some pictures with some comments of what I remember. We used a lot of proxies, as this was near our starting time of Chronopia and we did not have much models painted back then.
Devout | Dwarves | Elves | Firstborn | Sons of Chronos | Stygian | |||||||||||
[ Carsten ] | [ Bernd ] | [ Dani ] | [ Matthias ] | [ Michael ] | [ Bernd ] |
Deployment. The lone Space Marine Librarien in the middle is Hoblin.
Deployment. The lone Space Marine Librarien in the middle is Hoblin.
Turn 1.
The First Born advanced over the bridge, being covered by their bowmen in the tower.
A lot of troops converged on the center.
Hoblin moved away from the Dwarven gate, to not get caught between the crowds.
The Devout Tormented flees from the big center melee, passing Hoblin. The end of the bridge is blocked by some barrier spell.
The Vortex (black blue template) claimed a lot of casualties in the crowded center.
Here you see the caster of the Vortex, the Devout with the red cloak.
Firstborn and Stygian form an alliance.
The funniest moment of the game (well not for me, I played the Firstborn) was, when the Devout player cast a spell on the bowmen which allowed him to take control of them and move them. Which he used to jump them off the tower...
... do you spot any of them...? They all jumped to their deaths...
The poor Dwarves are set upon from all sides.
The Sons of Kronos (they disguised as half painted Space Marines) ran away from their clash with the Dwarves.
The Stygian won the game.
We all remember this game as being much fun :-)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted