This Fantasy game was played on 2011-05-19 at Matthias' place using Hordes/Warmachine-Rules (set in ' Iron Kingdoms ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Bernd.
Circle Orboros | Khador | |||
[ Bernd ] | [ Matthias ] | |||
Battlegroup | ||||
pKaya | +6 | eSorscha | +6 | |
Warpwolf Stalker | 10 | Devastater (bonded) | 9 | |
Pureblood | 9 | Spriggan | 10 | |
Gorax | 4 | |||
Units | ||||
Wolves of Orboros min | 4 | Winterguard min | 4 | |
Shifting Stones | 2 | Widowmaker | 4 | |
⇒ Stonekeeper UA | 1 | Battle Mechanics min | 2 | |
Solos | ||||
Reeve Hunter | 2 | Widowmaker Marksman | 2 | |
War Wolf | 1 | Manhunter | 2 |
Overview with forces deployed.
[Circle Deployment]
[Circle Deployment]
[Khador Deployment]
[Khador Deployment]
[Khador Turn 1]
Matthias wins the roll and chooses to go first. Each jack receives one Focus.
The Marksman advances, shoots at the Wolves of Orboros, but they are too far away.
The Winterguard, Widowmaker, Mechanics and both Warjacks run.
[Khador Turn 1]
Sorscha casts "Cyclone" in order to advance further and then casts "Iron Flesh" on the Winterguard.
The Manhunter runs forward in order to outflank his enemies.
[Circle Turn 1]
The Shifting Stones activate first and teleport the Pureblood forward.
Then, the Pureblood shoots at the Manhunter, boosting to hit, but misses.
[Circle Turn 1]
The Wolves of Orboros, the Stalker (warping "Prowl") and the Gorax run. Kaya advances and casts Occultation on the Wolves.
[Circle Turn 1]
The War Wolf and the Hunter run.
[Overview, end of turn 1]
The objective on Khador's left flank vanishes. Not good for Khador, because they were quite strong on that flank.
[Khador Turn 2]
Each Warjack receives one Focus. The Manhunter charges the Purblood and deals an awesome 17 damage to him.
[Khador Turn 2]
Sorscha upkeeps "Iron Flesh". The Winterguard, Mechanics, Warjacks and Widowmaker run towards the objectives.
The Marksman tries to shoot the Gorax, but he is out of range.
[Circle Turn 2]
Kaya upkeeps Occulatation. The Stalker (warping "Prowl") charges and kills two Winterguard and a Mechanic. Then Kaya activates and teleports him back (his base is in the forest just a little bit, thus granting him stealth due to "Prowl".
[Circle Turn 2]
The Shifting Stones activate and heal the Pureblood for 1. Then the Stonekeeper advances and shoots a Rockhammerhammer at the Winterguard, killing one. The Winterguard miss their Command Check and flee.
The Pureblood (warping "Spellward") activates and gets forced to regenerate 3 damage. He attacks the manhunter and kills him.
[Circle Turn 2]
The Wolves of Orboros charge and kill one Winterguard and two Mechanics. The Mechanics fail their command check and flee.
[Circle Turn 2]
The Hunter and the War Wolf run into the next forest.
[Overview after turn 2]
No player receives a victory point. Khador:0 - Circle:0
[Khador Turn 3]
Sorscha does not upkeep "Iron Flesh". The Devastator gets one Focus. He runs in contact with the objective.
The Spriggan advances and bulldozers a Wolf of Orboros. Then, he shoots a flare, hitting the Stalker and the Gorax.
[Khador Turn 3]
The Spriggan takes a second shot but it misses.
[Khador Turn 3]
Sorscha activates and casts "Freezing Grip" on the Wolves of Orboros. Then she advances backwards.
The Winterguard rallies. The Battle Mechanics are not so brave and they keep on fleeing.
The Marksman advances and shoots at the Pureblood, hits, but deals no damage.
The Windowmakers advance and shoot at the Pureblood three times, but unfortunately for them they all miss. The last one shoots at the Gorax, hits, but deals no damage.
Khador receives the first Victory Point in the game: Khador:1 - Circle:0
[Circle Turn 3]
Kaya upkeeps "Occulatation". She activates first and casts the Gorax's Animus on the Pureblood and the Stalker.
The Shifting Stones active and teleport the Stalker near the Spriggan and in base contact with the objective.
The Stalker activates (warping "Strength") and attacks the Spriggan. He needs to use all his fury to buy additional attacks, but in the end the Spriggan is destroyed.
[Circle Turn 3]
The War Wolf runs and engages a Widowmaker. The Hunter kills a Winterguard trooper.
The Stalker actives (warping "Strength") and attacks the Devastator. With his Fury he buys additional attacks. But due to the high armour value of the Devastator he only deals 7 damage. It would have been a lot smarter to boost the damage roll, but Bernd totaly forgot about it.
The Gorax runs in order to have some fun at the party as well.
This turn no one receives a Vicory Point: Khador:1 - Circle:0
[Khador Turn 4]
The Devastator receives 2 Focus. The Battle Mechanics do not rally.
Attacking the Pureblood, the Devastator kills it with ease.
[Khador Turn 4]
The Winterguard do a Combined Range Attack against the Wolves of Orboros, but miss.
The Windowmaker advance and kill a Wolve of Orboros. Due to a free strike from the War Wolf, one Widowmaker dies.
Sorscha avances and shoots the War Wolf. Then she casts Cyclone, pops her feat and advances towards the objective. With her melee attacks she deals 14 damage to the Stalker.
[Khador Turn 4]
This turn Matthias receives a Vicory Point: Khador:2 - Circle:0
[Circle Turn 4]
The Hunter charges a Widowmaker and kills it.
[Circle Turn 4]
The Gorax runs towards the objective controlled by Matthias in order to contest it.
[Circle Turn 4]
The Wolves of Orboros charge Sorscha and deal 11 damage to her.
[Circle Turn 4]
The stones teleport. The Stone Keeper shoots at the Winterguard and kills one of them.
[Circle Turn 4]
Kaya advances, casts Spirit Fang three times at the Devastor, a Winterguard and a Mechanic, killing the Winterguard in the process. Then she pops her feat and leaches two Fury.
[Overview after turn 4]
This turn nothing changes concerning Vicory Points: Khador:2 - Circle:0
[Khador Turn 5]
The Devastator get 1 Focus allocated. He advances and uses his "Death Rain" ability, killing the Stone Keeper.
[Khador Turn 5]
Sorscha casts Cyclone in order to move out of melee. Then she charges the Gorax and attacks him. With her last Focus point, she finally manages to kill it.
The last Widowmaker advances and gets killed by a free strike.
Matthias wanted to win this turn, but he forgot about the Shifting Stone which contested the objective. And as he moved Sorscha away from the other objective, Bernd received his first Victory Point at turn 5!
Vicory Points: Khador:2 - Circle:1
[Circle Turn 5]
The Stalker charges the Devastator and kills him.
[Circle Turn 5]
Kaya casts Spirit Fang at Sorscha, boosting to hit and to damage, dealing 3 damage to her.
Bernd receives his second Vicory Point, making it a tie: Khador:2 - Circle:2
[Khador Turn 6]
Things look grim for Khador. But not everything is lost yet, as Matthias tries to go for a caster kill! Sorscha uses Cyclone in order to advance in direction of Kaya.
[Khador Turn 6]
Sorscha charges Kaya, receiving a free strike from a Wolve of Orboros, but the damage she receives is not lethal.
Then she attacks Kaya and uses all her Focus to boost attack rolls and to buy additional attacks, but its not enough.
Kaya survives with only three damage boxes left.
[Overview of the battlefield at the end of the game]
As Khador does not contest one of the objectives and its now Circles turn, the game was over.
Final Victory Points: Khador:2 - Circle:3
[The Warcaster and Warlock after a hard day fighting]
Bernd (Circle)
This was the longest game turnwise and timewise we played so far. It was very exciting as both players had the chance to win till the end of the game.
The game began good for Matthias with my Pureblood missing his Manhunter and his Manhunter in return rolling a couple of awesome dice rolls, nearly killing the Pureblood on his own
But then, things shifted around. First of all, the objective disappeared where Matthias had most of his troops. Then, his Widowmakers where not able to hit the broad side of a barn the whole game. And to add insult to injury, his Mechanics and Winterguard had nothing better to do than to flee turn after turn. So tell me, what about morale in Khador? :)
But I made a couple of mistakes. First of all, I shouldn't have charged the Devastator with my Pureblood. This was stupid, as the Devastators armour was huge. And then after I charged, I forgot to boost the damage rolls, which was even more stupid. It would have been much better to slam the tincan around.
And on my turn 4, I don't know why I did not attack Sorscha with my Stalker. As the game was played some time ago, I cannot remember my thought process here, but I think I misjudged the situation in that I thought that Sorschas defense would be so high that I wouldn't be able to hit her. But when I think of it now, this does not seem to be true.
Anyway, very exciting game with the luck on my side. The VIP was again the Warpwolf Stalker, who managed to kill both of Matthias' heavies.
Matthias (Khador)
Oh no, what a shame! I lost a game of attrition with Khador against Circle!!!
Well, the choice of the Marksmen and the Solo probably weren't the wisest choice against Circle with all their stealth abilities and spells, but I just finished them and wanted to give them a go.
On the other hand, the Manhunter rocked! I feared him to get killed before he got a chance to do anything (which nearly happened nevertheless), so I rushed him forward into combat. The retaliatory strike then of course killed him. Next time I need to try and use him in conjunction with another model, to kill their target and thus giving him a chance for more attacks.
The Devastator will certainly see more combat - I think there is no other model in Warmachine that is so hard to damage.
The game was great! My force was nearly annihilated, but my caster survived - barely but she lived. A rare occurence in our games. And I at least four times already feared she would die in an attack - but she survived.
In turn 5 I thought I had won - but overlooked the *bleeep* shifting stone; he looked like terrain! Had I paid attention to this model, I probably would not have opened the shell of the Devastator...
And had the Winter Guard and especially the Mechaniks not run away for the whole game, I would certainly have won this :-) But as it was, Bernd played better ( and luckier :-p ) in the long run and deservedly won!
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted