This report was written by Matthias.
[Khador Turn 1]
Everthing except the mortar crew ran forward.
[Protectorate Turn 1]
The Knights Exemplar were blessed with Sacrosanct , all models ran forward.
[Khador Turn 2]
The models advanced up the field, both the Destroyer and the mortar fired, but the shots missed and deviated harmlessly.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
The soldiers of Menoth advanced. The Crusader moved only a tad forward, hoping to lure the Khadorans into a failed charge on their turn. The Repenter advanced and shot flames at the Destroyer, but was out of range.
[Khador Turn 3]
The Destroyer fired at the Crusader and damaged him. Iron Flesh went up on Sorscha, then she cast Boundless Charge on the Destroyer. The Devastator was then able to charge the Crusader for some more damage points.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
The Crusader received three points of focus and dealt a good deal of damage to the Devastator before he was made stationary by his bonding. The Exemplar Knights then finished him off. Two other Exemplar Knights engaged Sorscha to prevent her from moving freely. The Repenter finally got his shot at the Destroyer. With some points of damage he also left him burning,
[Khador Turn 4]
The Destroyer destroyed the Crusader and Sorscha killed the two Knights engaging her, thus bestowing two soul tokens to the Reclaimer.
[Protectorate Turn 5]
The Repenter and three Knights charged the Destroyer, but did not manage to bring him down. Sorscha was again engaged by one Knight. The other models moved into position.
[Khador Turn 5]
Sorscha killed the Knight engaging her, then used Cyclone to move behind the building. The Destroyer attacked the Repenter for some points of damage.
[Protectorate Turn 5]
The Knights wrecked the Destroyer, the Repenter then advanced and grilled two crew members of the mortar.
[Khador Turn 6]
Sorscha cast Cyclone and moved towards Kreoss aound the corner, then she charged him. She did wound him with 8 point of damage.
[Protectorate Turn 6]
The Knight Exemplar Seneschal severly wounded Sorscha, then the Reclaimer made sure he could collect another soul token.
Björn (Khador)
The first game with eSorscha started well, as I damaged the enemy heavy 'jack by shooting with the Destroyer and Mortar before I was able to finish him off in close combat. But I was too greedy, and that compromised my Devastator did no pay off but avenged itself.
With more patience the game would certainly have been more interesting.
Still, near the end I had the possibility for victory, when Sorscha attacked Kreoss kamikaze-like. If the first roll were as good as the second, the winner would have been Khador. But it was not to be and would admittedly have been lucky.
Moreover one could clearly see on the stop watch the difference between an experienced player and a beginner.
With hindsight the force selection with mainly ranged combat troops was the right choice. The Feat of eSorscha can be quite effective when trying an assassination run on the enemy Warcaster/Warlock und was used at the right moment, even if not fully successful.
Matthias (Protectorate)
That was a good start into the tournament. My plan to lure the Devestator forward nearly worked like I had intended, and I could attack him after he opened his turtle shell. Sorschas attack on Kreoss was unlikely to kill him, but I nevertheless experienced a moment of fear. Luckily, Kreoss' high armour and the extra focus on him was enough to save him.
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted