This report was written by no volunteer.
[Khador Deployment]
[Cygnar Deployment]
[Khador Turn 1]
[Cygnar Turn 1]
[Khador Turn 2]
[Cygnar Turn 2]
[Khador Turn 3]
[Cygnar Turn 3]
Björn (Khador)
This was the most entertaining of the three games. Two opponents who both only played the game twice (thrice including the first tournament round) competing with time. I again played with eSorscha as Warcaster and it was clear from the beginning, that the Devastator would be found a hard nut to crack in the objective area.
The worst mistake I did at the beginning. If Sorscha had used her Feat in support of the Devastator shooting at the Cygnaran Warcaster the game would have been over after two turns. The next biggest mistake was to neglect the watch from the beginning, otherwise the game would have been finished after the enemy 30 minutes passed. The next biggest mistake was the shooting in the third turn. One point of damage more and the game would have been over after turn three. All these mistakes avenged themselves eventually, and in turn four Sorscha was nearly killed. She kept going with one health point remaining.
The game was a seesaw and it seemed that Khador could keep the upper hand. In the end snake eyes determined the result of the game at the fight women vs. man in the warcaster duel.
As Cygnar's time was used up when Khador still had 14 minutes left we agreed on a draw.
Dani (Cygnar)
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted