This report was written by Matthias.
[Protectorate Turn 1]
The 'jacks where protected with Passage from the missile heavy Cygnar forces. The Bastions got some extra protection from Kreoss through Defender's Ward.
[Cygnar Turn 1]
Everything ran forward. Then the objective in the middle vanished.
[Protectorate Turn 2]
Passage again went up on the 'jacks while Defender's Ward was upkept on the Bastions. Both objectives were secured.
[Cygnar Turn 2]
The Bastions received a beating: Two Chargers, a Defender and one Stormsmith all opened up on them. One Bastion was killed, the other two severely wounded. Also, one Stormsmith ran within 4" of the left objective and contested it. Protectorate scored 1 VP n the right objective.
[Protectorate Turn 3]
The two Bastions easily got rid of the Stormcallers and Protectorate scored the last two points required to win.
Dani (Cygnar)
Matthias (Protectorate)
My broad deployment paid off, as I was able to reach all three objectives by turn two; thus being independant of which objective disappeared.
I did warn Dani considering his deployment before the game, but it turned out he misunderstood the victory conditions dor this scenarion. So it was a quick and rather boring game.
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
After Action Report
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted
New Miniature(s) Painted