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20 pts | Circle Orboros & Protectorate of Menoth | Close Quarters (SR2013)

This Fantasy game was played on 2013-05-02 at Matthias' place using Hordes/Warmachine-Rules (set in ' Iron Kingdoms ') and 28mm miniatures. This report was written by Matthias.


Order of Battle
Circle Orboros   Protectorate of Menoth
[ Bernd ]   [ Matthias ]
Kaya the Wildborn -6   Grand Exemplar Kreoss -6
Argus 4   Reckoner 8
Ghetorix 11   Repenter 4
Gnarlhorn 8    
Shifting Stones 2   Choir of Menoth, min 2
  ⇒  Stonekeeper UA 1   Knights Exemplar 5
    Reclaimer 2
    Vassal of Menoth 2
    Vassal Mechanik 2
    Wracks 1





[Circle Deployment]


[Protectorate Deployment]


[Circle Turn 1]

The Argus was forced to run.

Kaya casted ‹ Occultation › on the Gnarlhorn, then casted the Argus' Animus ‹ Tracker › on the Ghetorix. Finally she advanced.

The Ghetorix warped ‹ Hyper Aggressive › , was riled for one and ran.

The Gnarlhorn ran while the Shifting Stones ... guess what... shifted.


[Protectorate Turn 1]

Each 'jack was allocated one Focus.The Choir sang the ‹ Hymn of Shielding › to bless the 'jacks, while Kreoss cast ‹ Inviolable Resolve › on the Knights Exemplar before he advanced. All other models ran forward.


[End of Turn 1]


[Circle Turn 2]

Kaya upkept ‹ Occultation › .

The Argus advanced, while the Ghetorix warped ‹ Hyper Aggressive › again and advanced as well, before casting his Animus ‹ Orney › on himself.

The Gnarlhorn advanced, as did the Stones in their own special way.

Kaya advanced into base contact with the flag and discarded one Fury.


[Protectorate Turn 2]

Kreoss upkept ‹ Inviolable Resolve › , and allocated 2 Focus on the Reckoner and 3 on the Revenger.

The Knights charged, but due to a brain fart on my side (judging with running speed instead of charging speed) were out of range. So they tried to place themselves as uncomfortable for the tree lovers as possible.

The Choir performed the ‹ Hymn of Battle › . Thus blessed, the two Warjacks sprang into action. First, the Repenter advanced and brought fire onto the Ghetorix (1 damage, fully boosted) leaving him ablaze, and heated up one Shifting Stone to such a degree the construct cracked (boosted damage roll).


[Protectorate Turn 2]

Next, the Reckoner advanced and shot a round at the Ghetorix as well. The boosted hit roll was critical and would have ignited the Circle 'beast, were it not for the continuous effect already in place due to the attack of the Repenter. The boosted damage roll caused 7 points. The Vassal used ‹ Ancillary Attack › on the Reckoner for another shot, which unfortunately missed by 1.


[End of Turn 3]


[Circle Turn 3]

The Ghetorix continued to burn but did not suffer any more damage. Kaya upkept ‹ Occultation › and leached all Fury.

The Shifting Stones moved up the field. In a clever move, Bernd placed one in position to...


[Circle Turn 3]

... cast ‹ Rockhammer › on it with his Stonekeeper, hoping to catch two Knights. The Stonekeeper hit the stone and killed it. The Knight suffered 0 damage - I love it when a plan comes together :-)


[Circle Turn 3]

The Gnarlhorn then advanced and killed the Knight who thought himself lucky a few moments ago when he survived the perfidious indirect ‹ Rockhammer › attack.


[Circle Turn 3]

The Ghetorix warped Strength and charged the Reckoner. The charge attack caused 8 points of damage, the second initial attack 5 points. With two additional attacks the Protectorate heavy Warjack was wrecked. With yet another additional attack the Ghetorix casually split the Reclaimer in half with his axe by twisting his wrist.


[Circle Turn 3]

The Argus advanced attacked one Knight, which could evade the first head but fell victim to the second head of the Argus. Kaya also attacked a Knight on that flank with ‹ Spirit Fang › and killed him with both boosted attack and damage rolls.


[Circle Turn 3]

Kaya then popped her Feat, first placed and then collected 2 Focus on/from the Gnarlhorn and 3 on/from the Ghetorix. This allowed her to cast ‹ Spirit Door › to place the Ghetorix in front of her. Controlling a flag, Kaya gained the first VP of the game.


[End of Turn 3]

Circle 1VP | Protectorate 0VP


[Protectorate Turn 4]

Kreoss allocated 3 Focus on the Repenter and let ‹ Inviolable Resolve › expire. He then advanced and cast a fully boosted ‹ Chasten › on the Argus which caused 7 points of damage. Finally, he popped his Feat.

The Choir advanced. One heroically engaged the Argus but even with two auto-hitting attacks was not able to wound the 'beast. The other members of the unit where not able to do anything besides advancing, except one who blessed the Repenter with the ‹ Hymn of Battle › .


[Protectorate Turn 4]

The Vassal advanced and used ‹ Ancillary Attack › on the Repenter. The Repenter engulfed the Gnarlhorn in fire, leaving him burning as well as inflicting 2 points of damage.


[Protectorate Turn 4]

The Knights charged, this turn for real. The Stonekeeper was killed in one swift blow, the Gnarlhorn suffered 10 and 4 points of damage (crippling his Body Aspect) while the Argus was killed with two attacks (9 and 11 points of damage). Kaya reaved his Fury points. The last attack of the Knights was directed at the Ghetorix, which suffered 5 damage points twice, also crippling his Body Aspect.

The Vassal Mechanic joined the fray and swung his wrench on the Ghetorix, causing 0 and 2 points of damage.

The Repenter tried to finish off the Ghetorix, but due to low rolls and even though adding the bonus from the ‹ Hymn of Battle › and the charge attack (4, 2, 2 and 0 points of damage), he left him with 2 points on his Aspects!


[Circle Turn 4]

The holy fire of Menoth still evident on the two Circle 'beasts took a heavy toll: The Ghetorix suffered exactly the two damage points he had left on his Aspects, while the Gnarlhorn suffered 3 points of damage which crippled his Mind Aspect, leaving him with two crippled Aspects.


[Circle Turn 4]

Kaya upkept no spells. Instead she advanced and cast his own animus ‹ Bounding › on the Gnarlhorn himself before healing him for 4 points of damage uncrippling all his Aspects.


[Circle Turn 4]

The Gnarlhorn Trampled. He needed 8.5" to be able to engage Kreoss and made it, having 0.5" spare even though passing over the difficult ground of the Reckoner's wreck marker. The Trample attack killed the Vassal Mechanik and left the Vassal of Menoth with only one health point, but caused two free strikes. While the Chorister's attack missed, the Knight Exemplar caused 10 points of damage, re-crippling the Body Aspect.


[Circle Turn 4]

The Gnarlhorn then attack Kreoss. He bought an attack but missed. He bought a second attack and caused 5 points of damage. With his third additional attack he caused 4 points damage. This was not enough to kill Kreoss.


[End of Turn 4]

Circle 1VP | Protectorate 0VP


[Protectorate Turn 5]

Kreoss allocated 3 Focus on the Repenter. The Choir advanced and while one Chorister again sang the ‹ Hymn of Battle › to bless the Repenter, three swung their Menofixes on the Gnarlhorn. Although all of them hit they did not cause any damage.


[Protectorate Turn 5]

The Repenter advanced and ‹ Head But › ted Kaya with a boosted hit roll. His head slammed home and Kaya was Knocked Down. With an additional attack the Repenter caused 7 points of damage on her.

Kreoss collected a Fury point from a Wrack (which did not explode) and used his ‹ Armour Piercing › Special Attack to finish off the Gnarlhorn. He then hurled ‹ Chasten › against Kaya and killed her with a boosted damage roll.


[End of Game]


  • Bernd (Circle Oboros)

    After my Gnarhorn was shot to pieces by Matthias last game I put Occultation on the Gnarlhorn this time to give him stealth and moved Ghetorix in a place where he got concealment. This meant that Ghetorix was at def 16 and therefore I hoped that Matthias ranged game would not be as good as it was last game.

    In my first turn I advanced agressively. Matthias then placed his models really well so that I could harldy reach him on my second turn. So in my second turn I only moved up a little bit and placed Kaya near my flag. As Kreoss was nowhere near his flag I had the hopes of gaining a tactical advantage due to Victory Points.

    After Matthias second turn he was in range and I tried to kill as much pieces as possible, but the both the Gnarlhorn and the Argus did not much at all. Only Ghetorix managed to shine by killing Matthias' Reckoner and his Reclaimer. I didn't kill as much as I wanted but it would have been a solid turn... if I had managed to get my warbeasts to safety afterwards. This was a big tactical mistake on my part: I wanted to get Victory Points and therefore I left Kaya near the flag but in range of Matthias troops. And when Kaya teleported Ghetorix back he was in range of quite some enemies (I also messed up Kaya's fury management and was not able to teleport the Gnarlhorn back...).

    Against a warcaster like EKreoss with such a devastating Feat (autohitting alone is bad enough against my high def low hitpoint beasts and an additional attack is killer) you cannot allow to get your beasts attacked by weapon master infantry. At least not ALL your beasts as I did.

    So here I learned a lesson that I thought I already know. But well, sometimes you forget and need the get you butt kicked in order to remember. :D

    This win for Matthias was well deserverd, thanks for the nice games!

  • Matthias (Protectorate of Menoth)

    I managed to keep my Caster back and out of harms way this game (well, mostly). Also, I managed to get in combined attacks on the Gnarlhorn early on, and placed my models quite good during turn 4. I did loose the Reckoner in the following Circle turn, but apart from him not much else and Bernd was in a very precarious position which I could exploit with my Feat turn. In turn 4 it was all or nothing for Circle, the only other viable option to the one chosen being to retreat; luckily the assassination attempt on Kreoss failed. Considering the placement of Kaya at this stage it was clear she would be dead if the assassination failed, and that did then happen the following turn.

    Finally, I managed again a win against Circle :-)